Dron Agro Asistance – Inovație în agricultură, cu ajutorul dronelor

Official partners at DJI Agriculture

Dron Agro Assistance

Dron Agro Assistance is a leading company specialized in the commercialization of drones and advanced solutions for modern agriculture. With our range of specialized drones and related products, we provide farmers with the tools they need for precise crop monitoring, efficient application of treatments and optimal crop protection. We strive to bring innovative solutions to agriculture, helping farmers to optimise their processes and achieve outstanding results in crop production.

Advantages of working with drones

  • Precise monitoring
  • Precise application of agricultural inputs
  • Time and cost savings
  • Increased accessibility
  • Maximise crop yields
  • Reduced human risks
  • Improved decision-making
  • Reduce losses
  • Saves time and money
  • Customised solutions
  • Intelligent monitoring

Dron Agro Assistance offers professional training for the use of drones in agriculture, as well as comprehensive servicing to maintain optimal functionality.

  • Monitoring
  • Treatment
  • Bio-protection
  • Sowing

Dron Agro Assistance offers certification for drone piloting, ensuring that users acquire the necessary skills for safe and efficient operation.

Our Products


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Our Services

What do our drones offer?


Identify and monitor weed and pest outbreaks and fertiliser deficiencies.


Ultra-low volume spray system saves 90% water and 30% 40% pesticides.


Drones replace toxic chemicals and provide natural crop protection.


The seeding drone stands out for: simplicity of operation, uniform application, reliability, etc.

Dronele – instrument inovativ, tot mai folosit pe terenurile agricole din Moldova

Cu câteva zeci de ani în urmă, înlocuirea tractoarelor pe terenuri cu alternative digitale ar fi sunat ca o idee din domeniul fantasticului.

Cu dronele agricole am economisit resurse și am crescut eficiența tratamentelor

Noi alegem să aplicăm tratamentele preventiv, pentru a evita pierderile de recoltă în urma atacurilor bolilor sau dăunătorilor chiar și în fazele avansate de dezvoltare a culturilor.



Our company, Dron Agro Assistance, provides innovative agricultural assistance solutions based on drone technology to support farmers in optimising production and increasing operational efficiency.

The benefits of our services include accurate crop monitoring, early detection of problems and plant stress, precise application of agricultural inputs and cost reduction. With drones and advanced data analytics, we help farmers make more informed decisions and achieve higher yields, contributing to sustainable agricultural growth. We are also developing a drone network that connects farmers across regions and provides opportunities for collaboration and revenue generation, and we provide ongoing training and support to ensure our customers can make the most of our technology

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State-of-the-art solutions for high-performance agriculture!

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Frequently asked questions and answers

To benefit from our services, please contact us via the contact form on our website or by phone. A member of our team will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your needs and provide you with the right solutions for your farming business.

Our drone monitoring technology is versatile and can be applied to a wide range of agricultural crops, including cereals, vegetables, fruit, fruit trees and vines. Regardless of the type of crop, we can provide accurate information and tailored recommendations to help you manage your crops effectively.

Using our drone monitoring technology and advanced data analytics, we can identify problems and plant stress at early stages, allowing you to intervene promptly and prevent losses. You can also reduce wastage and associated costs by accurately applying agricultural inputs. This will help you achieve more efficient crop management and optimise costs in your farming business.

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